September 09, 2024

September is FASD Awareness Month

FASD is a spectrum disorder and describes a range of diagnosable conditions that can occur with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). As many as 1 in 20 Americans may be living with FASD.

September is FASD Awareness Month

FASD is a spectrum disorder and describes a range of diagnosable conditions that can occur with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). As many as 1 in 20 Americans may be living with FASD.

Unfortunately, FASD is under-recognized, with support and services not widely available and far too few diagnostic and treatment services currently available. In addition to public health messaging on the importance of avoiding alcohol while pregnant, it is crucial to bring recognition and awareness of children and adults with FASDs and their need for services and support.

Recognizing the strengths, talents, and gifts that individuals diagnosed with FASD bring to our communities is a great way to celebrate FASD Awareness Month.