November 17, 2023

Membership Spotlight | Ariel Warden-Jarrett

In order to celebrate members who represent family medicine in other ways outside of the Academy we would like to honor Dr. Ariel Warden-Jarret for showcasing the impact she makes while representing Family Medicine in Maryland.

Be inspired by her experience with precepting and how she serves her community.

  1. Tell us a little bit about your practice and your role there? 
    1. Maryalnd Primary Care Physicians is the largest physician-owned group dedicated to providing outstanding comprehensive primary care services to the patients we serve. I currently serve as the Clinical Director for the Bowie location, nestled in Prince George's County.
  2. How long have you been precepting and what was your biggest motivator to do it? 
    1. I have been precepting students for over a decade. I love teaching and being able to do it in the practice setting provides sheer joy and satisfaction. I feel like I am making a difference and giving back.
  3. What gives you the greatest joy in precepting medical students?
    1. I love when students smile or state that they learned something new. I am also excited when they reach back to let me know how they are doing. Of course, when a student states they decided to go into Family Medicine because of my influence, I can’t help but feel joyful in that moment.
  4. You have such a busy practice. What challenges and benefits is having a student with you in your office? 
    1. Yes, like all primary care practices across our great state and nation, we are busy. Precepting a student has benefits: the student can spend more time with the patients, which both patients and students love. However, you can get behind in your schedule and/or charting, because facilitating learning with direct feedback, often involving the patient sometimes, takes a little extra time.
  5. Has the Maryland Preceptor Tax Credit been helpful to you? Are there any barriers to applying?
    1. I have received the Tax Credit for the past 2 years, and yes, it has been very helpful. The application is very straightforward. I already keep files for students I precept because many reach back to ask for letters of recommendation. Subsequently, due to my organization methods, I can quickly retrieve the necessary application materials along with the support of the medical school that verifies me as a preceptor.
  6. Tell us about your work with medical students in your practice and how well received has this been with your patients.
    1. I am available to work with medical students throughout their journey. I love it when I can get a 1st or 2nd-year student. However, I mostly work with 3rd or 4th-year students. I like them to focus on the core curriculum of the clerkship,but in addition, we go over “lessons in life.” I try to show them that it is important to be in love with your chosen specialty and that Family Medicine is indeed more than “primary care.” My patients love students
  7. Anything else you'd like to cover? 
    1. I encourage all providers who may feel like their professional light is dimming to ignite it through precepting.