July 22, 2024

EQIP PC Program Request for Applications is now open

EQIP is a voluntary program that will provide incentive payments to practitioners who improve the quality of care and reduce the cost of care that they provide to Maryland Medicare patient

Episode Quality Improvement Program for Primary Care (EQIP PC) Program Request for Applications is now open

HSCRC, in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and the Maryland Primary Care Program (MDPCP) Program Management Office  (PMO), has worked with partners and stakeholders across the State, including several leaders from MDAFP, to design Episode Quality Improvement Program for Primary Care (EQIP PC) with the goal of creating new primary care access in underserved areas of the State. To streamline the State’s approach to advanced primary care, the PMO will be overseeing EQIP PC, while HSCRC provides programmatic support.

The Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) is releasing this RFA for EQIP PC to interested organizations throughout the State of Maryland. We have been working in collaboration with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to refine the policy in the context of Maryland’s larger primary care vision and strategy.

Note: We have not received final approval for EQIP PC and, therefore, acceptance into this program for 2025 is contingent upon final CMS approval.

Please see the links below for the Request for Applications (RFA) and other accomanying documents
  1. EQIP PC Primary Care Program Information
  2. EQIP PC Application
  3. EQIP PC Funding Proposal Worksheet Instructions
  4. EQIP PC Funding Proposal Worksheet
  5. Appendix A. ZCTA List
  6. Appendix B. Scoring Rubric

UPDATE as of July 23: As a follow up to the release of the EQIP PC Request for Applications, the State of Maryland would like to invite you to join a Questions and Answers session on July 31st from 12:00-1:00 p.m. HSCRC and MDH will host the meeting with support from MedChi. Please register by clicking the button below.

We encourage you to send in questions in advance of the meeting by emailing EQIP.PrimaryCare@maryland.gov. We will address as many of these questions as we can during the live session. The session will be recorded, and materials will be made available on the EQIP-PC website.

Application Requirements and Timeline

Interested organizations must complete the EQIP Primary Care Application Template and submit to EQIP.PrimaryCare@maryland.gov in order to be considered. An HSCRC evaluation committee will review the applications and make award decisions. Listed below are a few important dates and deadlines.

  • RFA Announcement: July 18, 2024
  • RFA Q&A Opportunity Hosted by HSCRC: July/August 2024 (exact date coming in the coming weeks)
  • Application Deadline: August 30, 2024
  • Award Notification: October 1, 2024

Applicants should submit the required documents to EQIP.PrimaryCare@maryland.gov by August 30, 2024.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact EQIP.PrimaryCare@maryland.gov.