Maryland Academy of Family Physicians
Leadership Opportunities
Resident and Student Leadership Opportunities
Maryland Academy of Family Physicians

You are the Future of Family Medicine

Take the Lead with MDAFP and AAFP Family Medicine Resident and Student Leadership Opportunities

You are the future of family medicine. The time, effort, and commitment you’re putting in now will shape the doctor you become. You have a chance to help shape others as well.

Leadership opportunities exist within the MDAFP and the AAFP through service on the board of directors, commissions, committees and forums.

By being an Academy leader, you will develop your organizational and communication skills, have the opportunity to network with family physicians from across the country, and have the chance to voice your opinion on key health care delivery and family medicine issues.

Resident and Student Leadership Opportunities

MDAFP Board of Directors

Qualifications for appointment to the MDAFP Board of Directors include:
  • An awareness of the specialty of Family Medicine and its important role in providing primary health care to the citizens of this state.
  • An awareness of the goals and objectives of the MDAFP.
  • Demonstrate leadership skills and attributes.
  • A willingness and ability to attend three board meetings a year and participate in email and committee activities.
  • A member of AAFP/MDAFP in good standing.

Both Resident and Student Directors are an important part of our board structure to strategically focus on the goals and objectives of MDAFP and make sure good decisions are made.

The mission of the Maryland Academy of Family Physicians is to support Maryland family physicians in their efforts to promote equity and optimize the health of our state’s patients, families and communities.

The MDAFP Board of Directors meetings are set annually and meet three times/year. An annual strategic planning meeting is held in conjunction with one of the board meetings.

The deadline for nominations this year is end of business day, May 1. Residents and Students interested may self-nominate or anyone can provide a nomination by providing the name(s) and contact information for a resident or student you wish to nominate and include a brief reference statement via email.

Please send your nominations to the MDAFP. Nominees will be notified and asked to submit a statement of interest along and current CV.

For more information, contact Becky Wimmer or call (888) 894-2606


Student Director

Bring a student perspective to high-level decision-making discussions of the MDAFP Board of Directors. This opportunity includes event coordination, public relations training, and unique mentoring opportunities with established leaders in family medicine. Student Director and Student Alternate Director terms are one (1) year and are eligible for re-election.


Resident Director

Bring a resident perspective to high-level decision-making discussions of the MDAFP Board of Directors. This opportunity includes event coordination, public relations training, and unique mentoring opportunities with established leaders in family medicine. Resident Alternate Director terms are one (1) year and are eligible for re-election.

MDAFP Committees

Bring the student/resident perspective to a committee and help influence the direction of the MDAFP.

Other Leadership Opportunities


Delegates to AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine

Each year the MDAFP and the MDAFP-Foundation funds two students and two residents to attend the AAFP National Conference to represent the Maryland Family Medicine Departments and Residency Program.

Interested in serving as a MDAFP Delegate?


AAFP Student and Resident Leadership Opportunities

The American Academy of Family Physicians highly values the contributions made by family medicine residents and medical students and recognizes the importance of training future leaders of medicine. It is one of the few specialty organizations to actively enlist resident and student members in leadership roles.